One to One Training in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Camera Raw
Robert has been teaching Adobe Photoshop professionally to pro and amateur photographers for fourteen years. All levels - from absolute beginners to advanced - are covered, including the efficient use of the powerful, Adobe Camera RAW 6.x
Depending on level, topics covered can include:
- Setting up Photoshop for maximum efficiency on your computer.
- The toolbox, individual tools and options bar.
- Re-sizing images.
- Cropping.
- Using layers.
- Using adjustment layers and layer modes for maximum creativity.
- ...and much, much more.
Even professional photographers who have been using Photoshop for several years have improved efficiency of workflow and quality of end product using our unique tips and tricks.
Beginners benefit form our help during Photoshop's initial steep learning curve helping them feel in control of this complex and powerful imaging tool.
Professional training is bought by the day - each consisting of two, two and a half hour sessions - with one hour for lunch.
Amateur training is usually in the form of six, two hour sessions taken weekly on the same day allowing plenty of practice time between sessions.
Basic £230 Per Day £230 Per Course
Advanced £265 Per Day £250 Per Course
In all cases travelling is at the rate of 30p per mile from Nottingham City Centre