One to One Training in Digital Photography
One-to-one allows training to be tailored to individual needs. Whether you are looking for help in getting started in digital photography or a seasoned pro wanting to hone his / her skills, the six hours (inc 1/2 hour lunch) of a full days training will improve your skills and help you create shots with impact using the full facilities of your camera and lenses.
Beginners, you no longer have to stick to using your camera in full automatic mode - use all your camera has to offer to take some great shots.
Depending on level, topics covered can include:
- Understanding how your camera works, file types, camera cards.
- Understanding your camera controls.
- Using shutter speeds, apertures and ISO setting to best effect.
- Understanding your cameras Histogram.
- Using zoom lenses.
- Controlling highlights and shadows.
- Controlling depth of field.
- Composition.
- ...and much, much more.
Basic N/A £199 Per Day
Advanced £250 £230 Per Day
In all cases travelling is at the rate of 30p per mile from Nottingham City Centre